Above all else, Missio Dei exists to emphasize the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do have certain theological and doctrinal stances that distinguish us from other church groups.
At Missio, we are:
We believe in the exclusivity of Jesus, that He is the Son of God, savior of the world, and the only way for us to be reconciled to God the Father.
Being reformed means that we hold a high view of God's holiness and sovereignty. He alone gives us authoritative truth through the Bible. He alone has extended to us grace in spite of our rebellion and sin. He alone has purchased for us faith that he freely gives to us without any merit of our own. He alone, in Jesus, has made a way for us to be reconciled back into relationship with himself. He alone deserves all the glory, honor, and praise.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, equally God in glory and majesty, yet distinct in role and service. The Spirit’s work includes conviction of sin, regeneration of the unbeliever, sealing of faith, indwelling of the believer, baptism into the Body, distribution of gifts for service, testifying to the finished work of Christ, and bears the fruit of Christian living in every believer. His gifting to the church has not been quenched nor limited due to any historical events, and His inspired scriptures are clear and sufficient for guiding us in the use of specific gifts in regards to time, place, and order.
We believe that the gospel is such good news that it should be taken beyond ourselves. Through building intentional relationships with people where we live, work, and play, we seek to bring the Gospel with us, believing they will experience the same liberty and joy Jesus has given to us. This also means that we engage our culture where they are, not expecting them to come to us, but going into the dark with the radiant light of the Gospel, seeing transformation happen in the hearts of individuals and in the fabric of our culture.
“Missio Dei” is a latin theological term meaning simply, “Mission of God.” The church and the mission of the church are not our inventions, therefore, we simply confess in our name and in our mission that we join God in what He is doing. Missio Dei Church exists because we believe that God is on mission by the power of His Spirit, to rescue and redeem His people, transforming us into the image of His Son, so that culture begins to take on the image of His Kingdom.
Missio Dei Church exists because we believe that God is on mission by the power of His Spirit, to rescue and redeem His people, transforming us into the image of His Son, so that culture begins to take on the image of His Kingdom.

We value
We value the bold proclamation and faithful submission to the Gospel of Jesus standing firm on the sufficiency of God’s word illuminated through the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and culture.
We value the pursuit of depth and the facilitation of growth making room for the Gospel to shape our attitudes, affections, and actions.
We value humbly learning from and generously giving back to the culture around us as witnesses to the Gospel’s power to display beauty and skill through special and common grace.