
Jesus, the Great Shepherd calls qualified men to lead His church as elders, whom we also call pastors.

Qualifications for eldership are found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, and include leading their families well, a record of serving Jesus well both in the church and in everyday life, a thorough knowledge of the Bible and a mature Christian walk, and a good reputation both in and out of the church.

The primary duties of elders include praying and studying Scripture, leading the vision of the church, caring for the people of the church, teaching, living lives that are exemplary, protecting the people of the church from false doctrine and teachers, and developing other leaders.



Kurt Hannah

Lead Pastor

Kurt is the founding pastor of Missio Dei Church. He has been married to his wife Shannon since 2000 and they live in Central Cincinnati. Two of their four children still live at home. He loves Bengals, football, Reds baseball, outdoor sports, and all forms of competition. His perfect day would involve all those activities with good friends and end with a stiff drink and a smooth cigar.

Email · khannah@missiodei.org

Matt Korte


Matt has been a Pastor at Missio Dei since 2016. He is married to his wife Tiffany and they live on the West Side of Cincinnati with their adopted son Richard and biological son Henri, who joins their family following 12 years of infertility. Matt is an eight on the enneagram, an avid sneaker collector and is an introvert that treasures time alone to read and intentional conversation.

Email · mkorte@missiodei.org

Mikey Conrad


Mikey has been a Pastor at Missio Dei since 2014. He is married to his boo, Catherine. They live on the East Side of Cincinnati with their 3 daughters Ruth, Miriam, and Hannah. Mikey enjoys God's gift of whiskey, reading biographies, cinema, anything Gordon Ramsey, and being with people.

Email · mconrad@missiodei.org

David Hayes


David has been a Pastor at Missio Dei since 2023. He is married to his wife Katie. They live in Central Cincinnati with their six kids, Mackenzie, Madeline, Noah, Macie Mia, and Molly. David enjoys camping, building stuff, entrepreneurship and quality time with friends and family.

Email · dhayes@missiodei.org



Olivia Payne · Deacon of Missio Kids


Cody Delk · Missio Students Director


Jonathan Lee · Deacon of Responsive Arts


Julie Morey · Media Administrator


Robert Watkins · Operations Administrator



Mary Grace Sillies · Deacon of Community Groups

Ryan Ytterberg · Deacon of Missio Men

Seth Yoder · Deacon of Missio Global Partnerships

Brendan Oberkircher · Deacon of Creativity

Jessica Finney · Deacon of Missio Women

Kyle Payne · Deacon of Hospitality

Jeremiah Leak · Deacon of Safety

Salena Steele · Deacon of Art Events & Gallery

Michael Atchison · Deacon of Technology

Jacoby Steele · Deacon of Gospel School