Life in relationship is messy
Life in so many foundational ways is relational. We are created by God in love and created for love expressed in relationships. We come from families and as we begin following Jesus we are invited and united to the family of God. We often experience hurt both in our familial relationships as well as within our friends and church community relationships as well. We are wounded in relationship and we are healed in relationships. Sometimes our relationships are complex and messy. At Missio we believe in wholistic care as a means of healing and discipleship and employ many different avenues for this care to take place. Below you will find a few examples of this. Feel free to submit a specific question or reach out if you don’t even know where to begin using the button below!
Spiritual life mentoring
We all desire a spiritual life, but many of us want it in our timing and in our ways. It typically doesn’t look like that but looks more like a life long journey. The way of Jesus has always included people a season or two ahead on this journey walking alongside those who are a season or two behind on this journey. We are all sojourners and our journey with Jesus brings influence from all spheres of our life. Spiritual life mentoring pairs you with someone or a few people seeking to grow in their faith and develop their spiritual lives.
More details coming soon
Emotionally healthy spirituality Cohort
The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Cohort is a plan for discipleship that deeply changes our relationship with God. It does this in two ways:
Addressing directly the reality that emotional maturity and spiritual maturity are inseparable, that it is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Equipping people in a personal, firsthand relationship with Jesus by incorporating stillness, silence, and Scripture as daily life rhythms.
Pregnancy loss GROup
Losing a baby can be very isolating leaving those who are experiencing this grievous loss feeling very alone, trapped in their feelings, experiencing pain, and fears in a way that isolates them from God and His people. It can be difficult finding people who understand the pain that accompanies this type of loss. Pregnancy loss care is a group format Bible study that gathers for the support and encouragement of women experiencing pregnancy loss. The hope is not to find answers to the many questions but pursue Jesus and hold our pain before Him for healing, and doing that together in a safe community of people who know exactly what you are experiencing. The goal is to surround you with good, godly women on the same journey of grief seeking the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the healing that only Jesus can bring to your broken hearts following such excruciating loss.
Infertility can be a painfully lonely journey for both men and women no matter the particular reasons you are experiencing it. Meeting people who are willing to talk about infertility and their struggles connected to it can be challenging and often doesn't feel very safe. This group is designed to bring women and men who are experiencing infertility together to meet each other, pray together, support one another and trust God together.
If infertility has affected your life personally and you are currently pregnant or have children you are invited to join us, as we know too well because God has given you a child doesn't mean the pain and loss experienced over years of waiting goes away.
Foster and adopt care
Foster and Adoption is a very beautiful way to serve Jesus and the kids needing a family to belong to either for the rest of their life or for a short period as biological parents receive the help they need to grow into functioning parents. At the same time, the system and situations are often very broken. This can make engaging in this incredible work emotionally difficult and exhausting. At Missio we have a number of families who have walked this journey before and have opened themselves to walking alongside other families and individuals pursuing foster care and adoption. No matter what stage you find yourself in, we’d love to connect and explore what parenting mentorship could look like.
Pastoral Care
As we’ve already said relationships are messy. In some cases setting up a few meetings with a Pastor can be deeply helpful. Our Pastors offer care around many different topics that we experience in life and relationship. We avail ourselves for relationship care in all seasons of romantic relationships and friendship. We provide care for big decisions and seasons where you may feel stuck or disconnected from God and His people. Our hope is to help you discern whether or not our abilities to help would actually be helpful and help you get connected to one of our other avenues of care when we are limited in our ability to be the help that you need.
COUNSELING and therapy
Sometimes your emotional or mental health may be better served by seeking out professional counseling or some higher level of care. At Missio Dei, we strongly believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and pastoral care for healing, while at the same time understand that the body of Christ offers many tools to help facilitate healing and sanctification. That's why, as a church, we value partnering with trusted, gospel-centered mental health professionals who address spiritual health in addition to mental, emotional and psychological health.