We were made for community. No one exists to do life on their own. We need spaces made up of people from all generations of life and backgrounds to share stories, eat meals, pray, and study God’s Word. We need a space where we work to consider each other over ourselves. No group is perfect, and no two groups are exactly the same; we don’t expect them to be, because people are messy and so is our pursuit of Jesus.
We are looking for people who have a passion and vision to lead. People who can't escape a desire to see the name of Jesus be made famous in their city and in the hearts of the people who live there. If you are one of these people, we would love to start talking about having you plant a Missio Group. Fill out the app and let's get the conversation started.

DIVERSE GROUPS OF DISCIPLE MAKING MISSIONARIES who practice the ways of jesus together
Missio Groups are a diverse family of disciple-making missionaries who practice the ways of Jesus together. At our core Missio Dei is a church of Groups who scatter throughout the city to live on mission for the glory of God and the good of others.⠀
Within these groups we work to foster 4 identities:
We were created to belong in community. Isolation robs us of beautiful and joy-filled gifts that God has given for us to enjoy. When we let ourselves be known by others, we can find a true freedom of self where it is okay to be in process and loved in spite of our failings.
We can be free to be known and walk in the realization that in Christ we have been fully known, fully loved, and fully brought into His family.⠀
We need an environment where we can learn about God, ourselves, and others around us. Being a learner means that we are continually learning more about God and how His Gospel affects and applies to our daily lives.
Placing the Gospel at the center means that we see everything through the lens of who God is and what He has done for us in Jesus. As learners, knowing God is both theological and personal.
Worship is a matter of all of life. We can't help but to worship something. God has placed this within us so that we might worship Him, for He alone is truly deserving of worship. ⠀
We need spaces to foster a life of worship that is informed by who God has reveled Himself to be, powered by the Holy Spirit, and in reverence to the joyous proclamation that Jesus is King.⠀
We are all called to be missionaries. The most simplistic understanding of the mission of the Church is to "go and tell". We are called to engage culture through meaningful relationships with the hope of the gospel of Jesus. We meet culture on their turf and on their terms and we live life simultaneously reckless in our love for people and unashamed of the gospel which saves them.⠀
We live life on mission in the places we live, work, and play working alongside God to see people reconciled to relationship with Him and to see culture renewed for His glory and our joy.