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The Pastors and church of our Gateway Partnership are committed to advancing the Gospel and seeing lives changed. Along with supporting them, Missio has partnered with the Aruna project in Mumbai to see women set free from sex trafficking. Join us this year as we visit India to help them in their efforts, and encourage them in the Gospel.

Ways that you can Get involved:


Visit them! Go meet the people that run the ministry, and serve alongside them as they labor to advance the Gospel.

Want to stay in the loop of all any future trips to visit our Gateway Partners? Download our app HERE.


If you can’t visit them yourself, you can help someone else visit.

Donate to the Missio Global Fund HERE.


This is the most important. Without the spirit’s guidance and help, the Gospel can’t advance! Join us as we pray for this mission, and for the people that will be visiting them from Missio Dei.

Ways that you can pray:

  • Pray for the safety of believers as tensions continue to grow with Hindu nationalism

  • Pray that the church would generate healthy financial support

  • Pray for their partnership with The Aruna Project that more women would know the freedom of Jesus coming out of sex trafficking

  • Pray that Missio would send 1-2 missionaries for a short term in the next 3 year.