Mission and Values
Our ministry exists to equip the church to respond to the Gospel in faith and worship. We accomplish this endeavor in a variety of ways, but most predominantly, we employ the arts. Our most common task is facilitating the corporate singing and congregational reading portions of the church’s Sunday gatherings, but our calling is greater than that alone. We desire to equip the christian to worship as an individual, and also to lead others in worship in a more wholistic sense. We do this by serving people in their development spiritually, relationally, and practically.
We are worshippers that humble ourselves before God and His Holy Word.
We are leaders that desire to live out our Lord’s commission to spread the truth of the Gospel.
We are servants who pursure excellence and value collaboration.
We are children of the King, and by His grace, we will make much of His name.
We strive towards Gospel Saturation.
We encourage engagement.
We pursue excellence.
We seek collaboration.
We desire development.
For more information on our mission and vision, download our Field Guide.
There is a fountain
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood has become one of our church’s favorite hymns to sing. It declares the truths of our current state - though we are sinners, Christ has made a way for us through the shedding of His own blood.
Here’s our take on the classic hymn.
All arrangement, performance, producing, mixing, and mastering by Missio Dei Church’s Responsive Arts teams
a Mighty Fortress
Recently, the Church celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. A Mighty Fortress is Our God, originally penned by Martin Luther, was and is an anthem that makes much of our God. The imagery of a “bulwark (a strong, defensible wall), never failing” works well to symbolize our Lord’s might. Here’s our arrangement of the classic hymn.
All arrangement, performance, producing, mixing, and mastering by Missio Dei Church’s Responsive Arts teams.
A hymn attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, All Creatures of Our God and King is a song our worship leaders love the way that this song connects us with past generations of the Church. Believers have been making much of Jesus using this song for quite some time!
Here’s our take on the old tune.
All arrangement, performance, producing, mixing, and mastering by Missio Dei Church’s Responsive Arts teams.